Wednesday, May 11, 2011

final review questions

Civil War

1) How did the Civil war shape our lives today? – It started us on the road to civil rights and fought for blacks to have equal rights. It created a strong central government and created one nation instead of two. Also changed the face of modern warfare.
2) Name three ways the civil war changed the south: Destroyed their economy, freed the African Americans, and south lost power in the government.
3) What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend? The writ of Habeas Corpus, which was a right to jury before being jailed. He did this because of the Border States who supported the south who would help them. He did it to get rid of the people who were problems.
4) List the four Border States: Maryland, Missouri, and Delaware, Kentucky.
5) Why did West Virginia form? They didn’t want to break from the Union like the rest of Virginia wanted to.
6) What disadvantages did the South face? Not as many men, they weren’t as advanced as them, not as much money and food, and had to ship in their supplies.
7) Why did the confederate states believe they had a right to leave the union? They thought they had a right to leave if they though the government was doing something that was destructive to safety or happiness.
8) What were the three main strategies of the union? Blockade the coast, take control of the Mississippi, and take the south capital, which was in Richmond, Virginia.
9) What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil war? 25
10) What was the outcome of Bull Run? It showed that the civil war wasn’t going to be a short war, but a long bloody battle. Confederate victory.
11) Discuss the battle of Shiloh. In the west. First major battle. 25,000 casualties in three days. Union victory. Grant vs. Johnston.
12) What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation? It was a political strategy to abolish slavery. It calmed the north and allowed slaves to run away from the south.
13) What did the 13th Amendment do? It abolished slavery.
14) How was the Civil War a rich man’s war, but a poor man’s fight? The rich man could pay their way out of fighting, but the poor couldn’t. Politics and rich men initiated the war.
15) Discuss the draft wars in the south: all men were drafted to fight and when called to go, you could pay to get out of it if you had $300.
16) Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg: Chancellorsville: Lee’s greatest battle. Confederate victory. Stonewall Jackson dies in this battle. The union thought the confederates were retreating, but they were actually attacking. Gettysburg: Union victory. The confederates spent the remainder of the war running away from Grant. Huge casualties.
17) How did Sherman use “Total War” against the south? He marched down the middle and burned everything in the past. He destroyed all the south’s supplies and support.
18) Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War? Confederate: Jefferson Davis. Union: Abraham Lincoln.
19) What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do? Presented hope that the slaves would be freed in states that was in rebellion to the union.
20) In an essay discuss why the Civil War is considered “The Cross Roads of our [United States] being? It brought the United States together. If confederates had won, we would have still been separated. We have a strong central government. It put the African American’s on the road to equal rights.
21) 13th amendment: Abolish slavery.
14th amendment: equal rights. It was interpreted that privately owned business treated the blacks as slaves still.
15th amendment: blacks could vote. They threatened people so they wouldn’t want to vote and they put a tax on it.
18th amendment: banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.
19th amendment: It gave women the right to vote.

22) How many people died in the civil war? Over 600,000
23) Dates: April 1861- April 1865
24) People:
Albert Sidney Johnson: Led people to the west in the battle of Shiloh. Died from getting shot in the back of the knee. Serves under Lee. Confederate general.
Ulysses S. Grant: Union general. Came out as one to win war. Lee surrenders to him. Became the 18th president and wasn’t a good one.
Joe Johnston: Confederate general in the first battle of Bull Run.
Joe Hooker: Union General. Fought in the battle of Chancellorsville. Lots of men in battle. He died by a cannon. He was replaced by grant right before the battle of Gettysburg.
Tecumseh Sherman: He introduced total war in Sherman’s March to the sea. He thought that in order to defeat an army he had to destroy the support, which is what he did.
Robert E. Lee: main confederate general. Led forces in north Virginia. Surrenders to Grant. He is held to legendary status, which is ironic because he fought for the south that lost and were against slavery. He won almost every battle he fought in.
Thomas Stonewall Jackson: confederate general who dies in the battle of Chancellorsville, and it’s thought that if he didn’t die, the confederates would have won that battle. Well-known general.
James Longstreet: Confederate General. Lee’s right hand man in Gettysburg. Lee always listens to him, but didn’t when he suggested to not do pickets charge, which caused them to lose.

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